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Archive for the ‘Patrick Swayze’ Category

Patrick Swayze Hospitalized for Pneumonia

January 11, 2009

Actor Patrick Swayze, who has been suffering with cancer just checked himself into the hospital after coming down with pneumonia. Robert DeBitetto, President of A&E, who was praised for keeping Swayze in The Beast series, despite his public battle with pancreatic cancer, told reporters, “I just spoke with Patrick Swayze. He checked himself into the […]

Patrick Swayze’s Cancer Spreads

December 2, 2008

Doctors have informed actor Patrick Swayze that his pancreatic cancer has spread to his liver and he doesn’t have much longer to live. He’s been working 12 hour days filming “The Beast” in Chicago and has been fatigued and weak.  Earlier this year he said, “I’m still fine to work, I haven’t changed – oh, […]