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Archive for July 2008

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July 31, 2008

Naomi Watts is preggs again.  Celebitchy Will Angelina Jolie play Catwoman? ICYDK Poor Brooke Mollygood Bloody Jenna Jamison! Hollywood Tuna Madge looks like hell! Cityrag   Want more Manifesto? Check me out at Blogger.com and Today.com.

Wyclef Gets Sued For Unpaid Jewelry Bills

July 31, 2008

Jacob the Jeweler, jeweler to the stars, is suing Wyclef Jean for outstanding bills.  Jacob, who’s currently in jail for money laundering, filed a suit accusing Wyclef of purchasing   $765,000 worth of watches and jewels between March of 2002 and January 2006, but still has a balance of $319,680.  Source I charge each ot them […]

Tommy Boy’s Fam Gets the Boot

July 31, 2008

Tom Cruise’s mother, sister Cass and sister’s 2 kids have been living with Tom for years and apparently Katie has had enough.  When she and Tom moved into their new home his mother and sister didn’t come with but instead are living in the Scientology Center. “He’s very close with his sisters and his mother […]

In Oprah News…

July 31, 2008

The dorm matron that was accused of sexually abusing students at Oprah’s Leadership Academy in South Africa has plead not guilty. Virginia Mokgobo’s charges include harassment and soliciting a minor to perform indecent acts.  Though she was arrested in November she’s been out on bail since.  At her first hearing on Tuesday (July 22nd) she […]

Mario Lopez to Be the New Sole Host of Extra

July 31, 2008

Mario has worked with Extra as a correspondent and has co-hosted its weekend edition since last year.  Now he’ll be taking over hosting duties from Mark McGrath and Dayna Devon. Mark wants to focus on his band Sugar Ray, which is recording another album.  Dayna isn’t leaving the show.  She’ll be reporting instead of hosting […]

Chris Rock Stalker Won’t Let it Go

July 31, 2008

Kali Bowyer, the woman who claimed that Chris Rock fathered her son (DNA tests proved otherwise) is at it again.  She’s writing a tell-all book entitled Hollywood Child.  The book will chronicle the downward spiral her life was taking until “getting pregnant with Chris’ son saved her life”, she said in a press release.  She […]

Trouble in Hogan Land

July 31, 2008

Former wrestler, Hulk Hogan, nee Terry Bollea, split with his wife Linda last year and he says Linda has proven to be one of his most formidable opponents.  He told Us Weekly, “Without a doubt, this is the most formidable opponent I’ve ever run into. You talk about dirty tricks. Brass knuckles, steel chairs, cheap […]

R. Kelly’s Got New Music on the Horizon

July 31, 2008

R. “I’ll piss on you” Kelly’s new album is reportedly his most un-ambiguous album ever.  Generally he likes the use of metaphors, albeit vivid metaphors, they’re still metaphors all the same.  But in his latest effort 12 Play: Fourth Quarter, he has songs entitled “Make You Scream” “Wanna Make a Baby” and “Might Be Mine”.  […]

JT Wants Credit

July 31, 2008

Justin Timberlake seems to be a bit perturbed that he’s not getting credit for popularizing trucker hats.  He says in the new issue of Fashion Rocks magazine, “It’s funny.  I keep hearing Ashton Kutcher say how he was responsible for trucker caps. I’ve heard him make that statement before. Trace (his William Rast fashion line […]

Neyo Slams the Press

July 31, 2008

R&B singer Neyo is slamming the media for seemingly rewarding the bad behavior of celebrities instead of focusing on their talents. He says, “Image is the most difficult thing. Back in the day, you were judged off your music, or how many hits you had or the quality of your music. Now it’s what celebrity […]